FW Land Thinning Grant Information

Updates on Land Clearing Grants

-The Valle Escondido Non-Federal Lands Hazardous Fuels Reduction Grant (forest thinning project) is in progress, but delayed because of administrative and capacity challenges at Taos County and New Mexico Forestry Division. Work has commenced on some properties, but outreach to the dozens of landowners who were deemed eligible for assistance has been much slower than anticipated. Efforts to contact landowners and begin thinning work are ongoing. In the meantime, Taos County is requesting a one-year extension to the current funding that would allow work to continue into 2025 (the current grant deadline is at the end of 2024). Taos County will notify the Valle Escondido Board of Directors when and if that one-year extension is formally approved.

Thanks to the property owners in Valle Escondido for their interest in receiving assistance under this grant. Taos County and NM Forestry Division appreciate everyone's patience as this project comes together.



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We recently received information on the Grants that residents in the Valle applied for last year. J.R. Logan updated the following with Ellen Robberson. 

"Valle Escondido and Taos County have secured a $400,000 grant from the State of New Mexico that will be used to thin up to 160 acres of private land in order to reduce the risk of wildfire. Landowners who submitted an application last year should expect to hear from a county representative in late spring, and thinning work in Valle Escondido should begin in late summer/early fall."

If you have any questions on the grants, please contact Ellen Robberson: 469-222-6433  or [email protected]

The selection committee, after determining where funding would be best spent, will notify landowners that applied and also request letters of commitment for joint treatment development of land at that time.